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Moniteau County, MO Real Estate, Homes For Sale, School & Area Information

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Moniteau County Area Insight

  • California is the county seat town of Moniteau County, which is located very close to the center of the State of Missouri. The county has a very vibrant agricultural base. According to the last Census of Agriculture (2012) as reported by the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, there were 1,089 farms in the county. The value of farm products sold by farmers in the county was $173,480,000, with livestock sales accounting for 91%, and crop sales 9% of the amount.
    Moniteau County has ranked number one in cattle value and calves sold in the state and number four in the number of cattle and calves in the state. The county also ranked number four in the number of turkeys in the state. What a thriving agricultural area!
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about Moniteau County.
    Moniteau County, MO
    Moniteau County in mid-Missouri is a desirable place to live. We have many families move here from surrounding counties because of lower taxes, the California School District, the Tipton School District, and others. It is a great place to live!

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